Internet Service Providers (“ISPs”) offer a variety of speeds that are measured in “megabits per second” (“Mbps”) from as low as 6 Mbps to upwards of 100, 200 or even 1,000 Mbps.

The complaint alleges that since January 2012 Spectrum-TWC’s marketing promised subscribers who signed up for its internet service that they would get a "fast, reliable connection" to the Internet from anywhere in their home. With over 570,000 subscribers in the Western New York region, Spectrum-Time Warner Cable is the largest supplier of Internet service in the state.

Conducting a speed test will ensure people are getting the speed they’re paying for, and I urge New Yorkers to submit their results and help my office continue to hold service providers accountable." “No one should be paying a premium for speeds and services they aren’t receiving. “Millions of New York families and businesses depend on reliable internet for everything from running a business to communicating with family and friends,” said Attorney General Schneiderman. (“Charter”) and its subsidiary Spectrum Management Holdings, LLC, (f/k/a Time Warner Cable, Inc.,) (together, “Spectrum-TWC”) for allegedly conducting a deliberate scheme to defraud and mislead New Yorkers by promising Internet service that they knew they could not deliver. This follows the Attorney General’s announcement earlier this month of his office’s lawsuit against Charter Communications Inc. He is also urging New Yorkers to use his new consumer alert as a tool in selecting the internet service plan that best suits their needs. Schneiderman is encouraging New Yorkers to test their Internet speeds and submit the results via his website as part of an ongoing investigation into whether or not Internet service providers are delivering on the speeds and services promised. Schneiderman: Speed Tests Will Help Ensure New Yorkers Are Getting What They’re Paying For, And Aid My Office In Holding Service Providers Accountable Schneiderman Also Offers Tips To Help Consumers Select Appropriate Internet Service Packages SchneidermanĪlbany Press Office SCHNEIDERMAN ENCOURAGES NEW YORKERS TO TEST INTERNET SPEEDS AND SUBMIT RESULTS AS PART OF ONGOING INVESTIGATION OF BROADBAND PROVIDERS